Holidays are indeed coming, and I cant wait to be back home in Glasgow :) Christmas is such an amazing and happy time, I miss Darren <3 family & friends dearly this year, This is our final year and it has being mega hectic! I promised myself back in Oct I was going to keep up to date with blogging but it just hasn't happened! :/ I have uploaded a few projects that I have been working on this year, I am having some difficulties getting everything on! I have currently been working on my website, it is a project that I completed last year but its just one of those things that I have never been happy with to put online, need it to be just PERFECT :) hopefully that should be coming soon too along with all the other masshoosive amount of work we have! Dissertation just isn't cool over the Christmas Holidays! boo!
I absolutly love the coca cola advert its one of those things when u see it u just know its Christmas Time!
EXCITING TIMES!!! Roll on Tuesday :)